
World Book Day in Year 6📖🪐🐿️

 On Thursday, Year 6 had great fun taking part in World Book Day. Throughout the day we took part in lots of book themed activities including making our own comic strips, designing book tokens and taking part in the annual Footy & Booky Quiz📖⚽️.  Well done to everyone who dressed up, there were some fab costumes!                                                  

Emily Fellah Visits Year 6 🤖🤖🤖

This week Year 6 were visited by a fantastic author and illustrator.  We learnt all about the illustration process and created our own drawings. Stay tuned because our characters will be making an appearance in our very own comics soon! Well done to everyone involved-you are all very talented. 
 A week in Year 3 In year 3 this week we had an amazing time learning how to create our own comic and manga characters from our visiting author. We will be using these designs next week to create our own one-page comic strip. We also conducted some experiments using friction and newton metres. We predicted which surface would grease the most friction against our shoes then tested and evaluated the results. 

Spring blooming in Year 5

 This week Year 5 learned about plant reproduction.  We looked at the different parts of a plant and what their roles are.  We then created some fantastic artwork to showcase our learning.