
 A Week in Year3 This week in year three... - In Topic we looked at Stone Age tools and how they were used fir hunting, gathering and making clothes as well as other tools.  - In English we began to plan our woodland setting description. We looked at, smelt, listened to and explored woodland objects to help plan our writing. 

Cross Country Fun

 This week we took part in a Cross Country competition at Stubbers.  The children had to run a distance of 2km and did a fabulous job.  They represented Squirrels with pride and tried their very best during the competition. We were thrilled that year 6 came 8th and year 5 came 19th out of 27 schools.  A huge achievement for everyone involved. A huge thanks to Mr Leslie and Mrs Hollingdale who took the children on the day.   Well done to everyone involved!!  We are so proud of you all. 

Courtroom fun in Year 6🧑🏽‍⚖️

 In year 6 this week we began researching the tragic voyage of ‘The Zong’. We started by exploring the events that unfolded on the ship before turning our classrooms into courtrooms to question and examine the different characters that were onboard. We had lots of fun!  

Year 4 watercolour artistry!

 We have been exploring watercolour techniques and using them to create amazing artwork with geometric shapes...have a look!

Meeting “Black Nurses” author K N Chimbiri!

 In Year 4 we had a live lesson with the amazing author K N Chimbiri, who shared her latest book with us and gave 3 special shout outs to Squirrels…she answered some of our questions and really inspired us all! 

Y5 Evasion

Year 5 had fun today in PE working on their evasion skills. They moved quickly to try to tag the other team, to score goals and to defend their group. They showed togetherness and fantastic team effort! 

Y5 Awesome Levers

Y5 are C-Lever  This week we had fun investigating levers! We created a large lever outside and experimented how we could use the lever and the fulcrum to make it easier to lift a heavy object up with little effort.