Calling all budding musicians…

Recently, Stella in Year Four entertained us all in assembly by playing one of the piano pieces she is learning for her Grade 1 exam. I am proud to say that Stella did a brilliant job and received a round of applause from her peers. Keep up the great work, Stella!

On the 19th of July, our Recorder group will perform for the rest of the school, their parents and governors in assembly.

We would love to encourage other pupils who are learning to play an instrument to let us know if they would like a similar opportunity to perform in front of an audience. We would be happy to accommodate and it would help us promote music in school.

If pupils are interesting in learning to play an instrument, we have a number of teachers from Havering Music School who come into school to provide tuition. We also offer a Recorder club on Wednesday lunchtime run by Mrs Atkinson.

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