July Newsletter

Dear Parents/Carers,
Fond Farewell
We come to the end of another academic year when we have to say goodbye to our Year 6 pupils. We thank them for their effort and commitment during their time with us – it will be sad to watch them leave. We wish them well in secondary school and look forward to hearing about their many achievements.
We also say farewell to Ms Flynn who has taken up a new post in another Havering school. Mr Leslie, our PE coach, is also leaving for pastures new after four years at the school. Mrs Hammel and Mrs Chestnutt will be starting their maternity leave so we wish them both well and look forward to meeting their new arrivals in the autumn.
New Staff
We would like to welcome Miss Sibanda, Miss Conboy and Mr Pharamond to our teaching team. We hope that they will all be very happy here.
From September our new class arrangements will be as follows:
Old Class

New Class



3 Willow

Mrs Kemp


3 Palm

Miss Weller


3 Poplar

Miss Conboy

3 Holly

4 Holly

Mrs Bush

3 Birch

4 Birch

Mr Steele

3 Maple

4 Maple

Mr Frith

4 Ash

5 Ash

Mrs Cross & Mrs Sharma

4 Oak

5 Oak

Miss Bryant

4 Elm

5 Elm

Miss Sibanda

5 Fir

6 Fir

Mrs Marshall

5 Cedar

6 Cedar

Mr Hackett

5 Beech

6 Beech

Mr Fowles

5 Pine

6 Pine

Mr Pharamond
We would like to congratulate the children on their attendance this year. Thank you to all those parents who have ensured that their children attend school regularly. Our overall attendance this year is 96.3%. There were 36 children who have gained 100% attendance and a further 135 children who have 98% - 99% attendance. All of these children have received a certificate and pencil in our celebration assembly today.
Key Stage 2 Results
We are delighted to announce that once again Year 6 pupils have performed very well in their SATs. In terms of the school’s performance, our results put us above both Havering and National averages in all areas. This year also saw a rise in the number of pupils achieving Greater Depth. The percentage of children achieving the higher standard was also above Havering and National averages in all areas – a remarkable achievement! Well done to Year 6 pupils and staff – all that hard work certainly paid off. Please have a look at our website for information about performance in each subject.
School Blog
If you have not yet had a look at our school blog, please make the time to do so. The blog is a great way to keep in touch with what is happening in school, including photos from key events. There are a number of posts already with more being added all the time. To access the blog, please go the main page of our school website and click on the School Blog tab.
School Games Award
Congratulations to Mrs King, Mrs Cross, Mr Leslie and the rest of the PE team for achieving the School Games Silver Award this year. The reward scheme recognises schools for their commitment to the development of competitive sport across the school and into the community. It looks at how many young people in the school are engaged in sporting activity, how many competitions are being entered, the number of pupils in school leading games and sporting events and links with local community clubs. A big thank you to all parents who have supported us with getting children to and from the various events and providing encouragement to all our athletes as well as the children themselves who have taken part in events– it has truly been a team effort! We will be aiming for the gold award next year.
Snack Stall
A big thank you to Mrs Lucke and the School Council for your efforts with the school snack stall. The children have enjoyed the opportunity to purchase fruit and juice every Friday. Thank you also to all parents who have sent in donations of juice. The total raised this year is £460.17. 
As suggested by the children, we have purchased a box of magazines for the playground which the children have really enjoyed reading. Thank you too for the donation of children’s magazines which have been sent into school. With some of the remaining money, we hope to purchase some crazy catch net games for the start of the new term in September.
Sports Day
A big well done to all the children for their superb efforts in this year’s Sports Day with special congratulations to team Weir who won the competition overall!  Thank you to our super supporters and proud parents who came to watch on the day. We hope you enjoyed the Sports day as much as we all did!
Year 6 Production
Thank you to all the Y6 parents/carers who came along to the Y6 Leavers Production. The children put on a fine performance and we all thoroughly enjoyed their singing, acting and dancing.
The Student Council chose to raise money for the Brain Tumour Charity. We raised a total of £175.00 at this event. Many thanks for your contributions.
Dance Competition
Last Tuesday, children from our dance club took part in a Premier Sport Dance Competition at the Broadway Theatre in Barking. Seven schools took part in the show and the competition was stiff! We are delighted to announce that our school finished third overall and we were awarded a lovely new trophy. Well done to all the children involved and a big thank you to all of our supporters.
French Day
Thank you to all our pupils and staff who dressed up for French Day. The children enjoyed tasting some French food, taking part in a French performance and learning some new vocabulary words. A special “merci” to Mrs Atkinson for organising such an enjoyable day.
Well done to the children that took part in Hall Mead's first 'Wind-ball' Cricket Festival on Tuesday. We had a fun morning competing against Upminster Junior and Branfill Primary Schools. Congratulations to Freddie P and Eddie W- you were both chosen by the Hall Mead Pupils to be 'Players of the Match'.
As always, thank you to our fabulous parents who supported the event. We look forward to taking some more children to this event next year.
Mrs. King
Summer Reading Challenge
Don’t forget that local libraries are running the Summer Reading Challenge over the holidays. We would strongly encourage all our pupils to take part. Reading forms a big part of our curriculum and the ability to read with understanding has a great impact on the academic performance of pupils. Any pupil who completes the Summer Reading Challenge will be awarded with a certificate at an assembly in September.

Dates for the Diary


Inset Day (school closed)


Inset Day (school closed)


Inset Day (school closed)


Children return to school


Cuffley Camp presentation to Yr 6 parents at 2.30pm


6 Fir & 6 Pine to Tate Gallery


Year 3 to Hylands Park


6 Cedar & 6 Beech to Tate Gallery


Year 4 Informal Parents Meeting


Year 6 Informal Parents Meeting


Year 5 Informal Parents Meeting


Year 3 Informal Parents Meeting



Year 3 Harvest Assembly to Parents – 2:15pm


Year 3 Harvest Assembly to Parents – 9:05am


End of topic celebration at 2pm – all years – parents invited


Individual Photos

17th and 18th

Year 6 Shakespeare workshop

21st – 25th

Half Term

28th Oct – 1st Nov

Y5 Bikeability



Flu Immunisations (details to follow)


Open Evening 3:30 to 5pm


Open Evening 3:30 to 6:30pm


Year 6 to Millfield Theatre



Year 4 Christmas play to parents – 2pm


Year 4 Christmas play to parents – 6:30pm


End of topic celebration at 2pm – all years – parents invited


Year 5 Carols in the playground – 3pm


Year 6 Carols in the playground – 3pm


Year 3 Carols in the playground – 3pm


Last day of term

January 2020


Inset Day (School Closed)


Children return to school

Lastly, on behalf of the staff and governors at Squirrels Heath Junior School, I would like to say a big thank you to all parents for your support throughout this academic year. I hope that all of you are able to enjoy a lovely summer break with your children. We look forward to welcoming the children back to school on Monday 9th September.

Yours sincerely,
Mrs M Shipton
Head Teacher

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