Year 5 go back into time!

Year 5 took a journey back into Tudor time today. They have had a wonderful day learning about Tudor life.

They learnt lots about Tudor food and were fascinated to learn that poor Tudor people had a diet of pottage and beer!

They then had a go at weaving. The children will be bringing their weaves home so keep an eye out for their work!

The children also learnt about Tudor medicine and what would happen to a Tudor child with a tummy ache! They also rubbed a sage leaf on their teeth for some minty fresh breath!

Next, the children got to experience a Tudor classroom. They were glad to know the cane can’t be used in schools nowadays! The girls were horrified that Tudor girls would not have attended school.

Finally, we finished the afternoon with a Tudor court.

The children have had a truly fantastic day learning all about Tudor life!

Thank you to all the parents for supporting the children with their costumes.

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