Numeracy Day
You may not be aware of a government scheme to help improve adults develop their proficiency and confidence in Maths. This year on Wednesday 13th May we celebrate National Numeracy Day with a virtual festival.
Maths champions Rachel Riley, Bobby Seagull and Carol Vorderman, author Lauren Child and the Bank of England’s chief economist Andy Haldane are among those taking part in the National Numeracy Virtual Festival. Please see the itinerary attached.
This festival is targeted at adults, but the support will help parents to better help their children. The Festival covers three areas:
1) helping children (8am - 12.30)
2) personal development (1pm - 4pm)
3) getting to grips with household finance (4pm - 6pm)
If you decide to have a go, please use this link to the National Numeracy Challenge:
The National Numeracy Challenge -
If you complete their survey, they can offer support and ways to help you improve your Maths skills, not just to help your children, but for all aspects of life!
If you are not sure yet, please look at the Boosting Number Confidence document I have attached. A full, interactive version may be found on:
Hopefully, we can all raise our Maths skills together!
Thank you for your continued support,
A Bush
Maths Lead