Activity for the day - Thursday 16th July

Yesterday's answers -

Round three
22. Humerus
23. Filament
24. Refraction
26. The Milky Way galaxy
27. Charles Darwin
28. Plants
29. A star
30. Mars
Round four
31. True
32. The Triassic Period
33. Herbivore
34. T-Rex
35. Palaeontology
36. True
37. Blue Whale
38. Jurrassic Park
39. Dippy
40. Triceratops

Your final questions -

Round five: Books and films

41. What are the names of Harry Potter’s parents?
42. What is the name of the Snowman in the film “Frozen”?
43. In which forest do Robin Hood and his Merry Men live?
44. What sort of animal is the video game character Sonic?
45. In “The Jungle Book”, what kind of animal is Baloo?
46. In the film “The Lion King”, what kind of animal is Timon?
47. Which of Snow White's seven dwarves didn't have a beard?
48. What is the name of the lion in “The Lion, The Witch and the Wardrobe”?
49. What is the name of Peter Pan’s pirate enemy?
50. What does the gruffalo say is his favourite food?
Good luck

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