Year 6 Design and technology

Year 6

Over the last few weeks, Year 6 have been learning about 'Shelters' in Design & Technology. They have been researching the different types and the resources they can be made of. This has led them onto building their first structures, as a group.

Here are 2 of the children explaining what they have been doing. 

In DT last week year 6 made structures and tried to make them stay standing up. We used different materials and made different structures with: cardboard, straws, blu tac, tape and wire. Two of the groups made swings and some of us made shelters with different colours of pipe cleaners and straw. As a class, we looked at different designs such as awnings, bus stops, houses, rabbit hutches and even WW2 shelters. 

By Layla Y6

Last week we all made shelters and I'm going to give you a quick guide on how they are made. We didn't use ordinary materials, we used, cardboard, straws and some others. My group came up with a design for a swing. 

1 We got 5 straws, a piece of cardboard and some pipe cleaners and sellotape. 

2 We taped the straws together but first we put the pipe cleaners in side to strengthen them. This was hard as they had to be the same size as the straw. 

3. We then used the cardboard to make a seat. 

4. We then tied the pipe cleaners together, taped the straws to the cardboard and we were finished.

We were very impressed with our work!

By Joe Y6

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