This week, as part of our Junior Citizenship Training, Year 6 visited the Territorial Army Centre to take part in some exciting and informative demonstrations and presentations by the Havering Community Safety Team, the Metropolitan Police, London Fire Brigade and TFL. Thank you to all the children who represented our school so well and thank you to the professionals who took time out of their day to help us understand how to keep ourselves safe.
What a great first day at Stubbers
After lunch, we all started our first activities. We all got to go on a climbing wall, with many of us reaching the top. We also got to try open canoeing or double kayaking, even though it was meant to be fairly dry activity many of us managed to get nice and wet. After our activities we found our tents for the next couple of days and then had our dinner, it was a very tasty bolognaise with fruit for pudding. We are now waiting for our evening activity, the mini Olympics, then time for some well earned rest. We will keep you updated in the morning. Keep an eye out.