
Showing posts from September, 2024

Settling in and a FAB first week

In year 3 we have been getting used to our new classes with some hands on learning. We have learnt about Ganesh, done some Pilates, looked at how to use an atlas, wrote an excellent Little Red Riding-hood story and worked with clay.  WELL DONE EVERYONE!  

Year 6 Maths and English fun

 We have had a fantastic week so far. This week we have been exploring place value in Maths. In English, we have been writing our own story openings and starting to revise our key SPaG terms.  Well done for your hard work so far- keep it up!

Year 4 settle in!

 We have had some lovely settling in lessons this week, exploring why it is important to rest, investigating maps and exploring water colours in Art. The children have been fantastic and we look forward to more fun next week! 

Welcome to Year 6! 🌟

Year 6 have settled back nicely to school life! They have had fun this week learning about their new topics and beginning to read 'Freedom'.